Wednesday, October 11, 2006

["I was excited when i saw the commercial for those and shredded miniwheats. but then i read an article about how wal-mart is lobbying for the acception of using certain "natural" chemicals in their brand of organic products. there are certain guidelines that are supposed to be followed when terming something "organic" but not really a governing body regulating it (besides the usda, which is a governement organization that i don't really trust). It seems organic food is the new trend, so now all these companies are going to start calling everything, including crap, organic. but at least the country is recognizing that consumers don't want to be fed chemicals. I'm sure most organic labels are authentic, but i'm not going to be trusting walmart. Oh yeah, another reason why walmart sucks is because they are going to import "organic" ingredients from other countries, so they can charge a cheaper price for their organic brand. Half of the reason to buy organic is to support organic farmers, and now people are going to be buying cheaper from walmart, and put local and american organic farmers out of business.

Sorry for the rant!"]

Not one word of this email was changed.

Didn't you say you had nothing to say?


Blogger Oberon said...

.......the art of peace is medicine for a sick world......morihei ueshiba.

7:01 PM  

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