This post Isn't Anything

It's been listening to so much My Bloody Valentine lately that it's almost not fair to other bands. So much so that my speaking has become jumbled and incoherent and my walking bassline-y. Just kidding, but I really like J Mascis, too, and I feel like I actually discovered him. Let me explain. Out of nowhere, Scott tells me to reveiw Witch, which led to a confused eye roll. Turns out, it's amazing, and the best 'stoner rock' in years. Whoops. Then he says the drummer fronts Dinosaur Jr., who I find to be subtely pretentious but wickedly luminary. All of this of course, is okay, because they never really went uberfamous, (i.e. Mudhoney, who garndered and 'invented' a sound but never really got credit for it cause so many other younger and more attractive dudes perfected it.) Mascis and Kevin Shields were the masterminds behind the sound of a little outfit called My Blood Valentine (picture Smashing Pumpkins, but not concerned with commercial success.) What does this all mean? That J Mascis is as relevant today as he has ever been. And that I have two favorite songs named Sometimes. Isn't that weird?
Yes exactly, in some moments I can bruit about that I approve of with you, but you may be making allowance for other options.
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I noticed the catch-phrase you have not used. Or you partake of the dreary methods of development of the resource. I suffer with a week and do necheg
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